Friday, 29 April 2011


What a jolly affair.

I think Kate's skin tone may be a little off, but other than that the realism in this window display made me feel like I'd shared quite an intimate moment with the couple.

Took a little driiiiive down Pall Mall last night to say haaay to some of those crazy campers, manically flag waving in anticipation for the BIG MOMENT. (Be it 12 hours away...)

I watched the spectacle with my chum who'd made blueberry muffins. SO Royal Wedding right now. She'd bought a few bits and bobs from the non-stop party shop. Going in there was worse than sharks at a feeding frenzy apparently - biting and hair pulling as one woman snatched up the last Kate shaped cheese grater as another nabbed the last Will encrusted egg poacher. But I need a Queen embossed ice cream maker! Please tell me you haven't run out of Princess Beatrice shaped salt and pepper shakers? 1,000 FLAGS PLEASE! TIARAS! BUUUUNTING!!!  Tears and rage as the final red lametta curtains were torn from the shelves...


A few year ago a company called 'Angels' (provides costume and clothes for film and tv) had an insane 'get-rid-of-everything-you-can-have-anything' warehouse sale. It was literally the most exciting day of my life (excitement levels equal to those Willy-and-Kate-babes lovers camping outside Buckingham Palace tonight. Extreme.) I woke up at 5am and cruised along to Wembley where the queues outside the warehouse were going mentalist. Once inside I thought I was still asleep and having propaa trippy dreams (quite possible) - a wonderland of room after room piled high with clothes glorious clothes. Accessories. Shoes. Wigs. Everything bright, colourful and magical. I paid for a massive plastic bag into which I could pop ANYTHING that tickled ooh lala my fancy. Phwoar. A pair of green trousers, black pointed boots, lots of jackets, white floaty shirt, colourful jumpers, necklaces, etc, etc.

One of my many items was a bowler hat. I love it. I wear it out & about.

I subsequently read Milan Kundera's book 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' in which the bowler hat is a symbol of sexual degradation and a reminder that such degradation is voluntary and longed for by women.

Well, that's not quite why I wear it. I just rather like the thing.

These are some snaps from dinner in Kensington to a bar in Piccadilly to the club Maddox. In a bowler hat. Rockin out.

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Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Bit of sheep.Bit of ketchup.Bit of celebrity?

Hokay so, I take a lot of snaps. If you spend much time with me this statement is definitely not music to your ears. It's on a par with - I like owls, didn't you know?

 But anyway, I thought I'd begin with reiterating this snap snapping hobbie/pastime/enjoyment (obsession?) of mine. And let me tell you that when it comes to snapping I often photograph the most peculiar things...

Bit of sheep's wool on barbed wire...
...Some cutlery. Hanging out.

A nail..
...A pink blob on a tree

A bit of meringue maxin' & relaxin' on a starry plate...

You get my point. So, it was no surprise that when I was having dinner at a bit of a swanky swanky restaurant the other night and there were little pots of ketchup and mayonnaise on the table I just had to take a sneaky snap.

Before taking this I had also taken two photos of my friends - one from outside the restaurant as I arrived and one at the table. Snap, snap. Third snap - bit if ketchup. As I did so a guy in his twenties, slicked back hair and wearing sunglasses obviously got completely the wrong end of the stick and thought I was photographing him! He leaned over and was like 'please just STOP taking photos of's been three times now, THREE times..stop ok??' tut tut, head shake, hand waves.

...Ummm. Im sorry to tell you that however beautiful (or famous?!) you are, I'm afraid I find the ketchup much more interesting. 


Monday, 25 April 2011

Eggcellent? Eggxactly.

Happy Eggster chappies 
(and bunnies)

Green tights are so eggcentric and eggciting right now

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Thanks road.You're a babe.

I found another £5 note today! Naah jokes. I was in the car driving along with my dad when I spotted it floating around on the road and was like 'DAD STOP THE CAR!' so we pulled over and I sped out like a mentalist onto the road and caught the crazy thing. At this very moment one of those red police cars (ooh lala) was driving along so I had to be extra speedy in my mission. Fortunately the police didn't arrest me, but if they had I was prepared to explain to them that I simply cannot condone littering and therefore go to every measure to ensure the roads of London are kept floaty-money-free. With that excuse I'm almost certain I'd have avoided prison.

I proceeded to find a 20p and a 1p in Covent Garden.

Yesterday it was 2 2ps, 1 1p and a 5p.

Okay I'll stop taking about my growing fortune because it's a little strange. Although pretty wonderful. Soon I'll be able to apple? 60p ooh maybe a bit steep. Half an apple? Ideal.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Stokes,William.Half Moon.13.04.11




Nice bit of ARCADE FIRE advertising. With bird feathers. Ideal. as long as there were no birds (OWLS) harmed in the process.

Thursday, 21 April 2011


I pick up a penny most days. In fact I get a bit worried on the days I don't, but am particularly happy on days I find more than one or something worth more than 1p. So that makes up for those worried days.
It's the same with life really. There are days when I worry a lot, but I know the happy carefree days will always make up for it. A 2p is ideal.
Three days ago it was a 5p on Oxford St Rd

Two days ago it was 1 cent in South Ken station

And yesterday it was a £5 note in St.Albans!


BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | See a penny, pick it up
I usually pop the pennies straight in my purse but have no decided to stack them as they come.  The pile will reach the sky in no time. I'm (almost 125%) sure.

A few weeks ago I picked up a penny as I was cruising down the street to my house. La la. I leaped into the road when I saw it and subsequently felt rather embarrased by my super keen action as there was someone walking next to me. It was a chap. He said 'Are you superstitious?' Me 'Not particularly I just always pick up a penny'. Him 'You live in this area so you'd better be saving the pennies...' Me 'ahh yeah..haha..ok bye'. I had arrived at my house, so popped straight in.
La la la when I came home that evening at midnight there was a yellow piece of paper stuck to my door and another had been posted through the letter box. I HAVE A NEW FRIEND. I call him Penny Boy. He calls me Penny Girl. He's a ballet dancer. So there we go. Pick up a penny - you may make a friend or at the very least - be 1p richer.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

London Grammar. The Elgin. Hannah.Dot.Dan.

The band create an original mix of minimalist guitar melodies, soulful vocals, melodic harmonies and rhythmic undertones. Hannah's voice is beautiful.

Seasick Steve is a fan 'For real man, you've got something real special'

 For real? If it's real to Steve then it's real to us. Actually. Fab.