Friday, 13 May 2011


May, June. University's coming to an end. Dissertation. Finals. Work work work & when it's all done - play play play. That's how the summer term goes.

But not for everyone. Not for the wonderfully eccentric Alex who decided that this is the perfect time to go shopping and put that work on hold for a moment. In fact slightly longer than a moment and in fact slightly more than just a shopping trip. He bought a VW campervan. The van's name is Hugo Grotius.
Work? What work? Let's go for a riiiiide.

Alex bought it as a project to fix up for the summer with the vision of spending the months driving around the country, picking up friends, acquaintances, hitch-hikers, sheep? along the way & generally enjoying some carefree banter with a super sweet four wheel drive.

It's still in early days of it's re-vamp, but I'm confident that when it hits the road properly it's going to look more dapper than a brand new Rolls-Royace.

I'll be joining the adventure in late June for it's first festival trip - HUGO GOES TO GLASTO! And then in early August I join the fun again for the Big Chill festival.

Most exciting.

I'm not suggesting these photographs pose a need for concern, I just felt it would be unkind to miss photographing some of Hugo's more subtle elements.

A bit of rust never hurt anyone right? It's quite a spectacular colour.


  1. oh so alex gets "wonderfully eccentric" i just get 'mad'... thanks bells.

  2. Look, all Alex did was buy a barely functioning, rusty old VW campervan during his finals...HE DIDN'T MAKE A PAVLOVA AND HIS ALTER-EGO ISN'T CALLED 'FILM'.
    Can't believe I have to spell it out to you Rach.

  3. Ah, the freedom and the possibilities that this van will bring, definitely a project worth taking on, never mind the exams :D

    Veronika (
