Friday, 6 May 2011


I'm a blogaar, but let's not forget that it's only part-time. And thank goodness for that, because if it was a full-time occupation I simply would not have time to do equally important things in my life.

So I was cruising along in Covent Garden one sunny day (probably in search of a penny) and somehow found myself at SNOG the frozen yoghurt shop on Garrick st. Well well how ideal! I thought, as I rather felt like a snog. So, I popped in and one thing led to another and the manager offered me a job. Most peculiar - don't ask me.
Naturally, the first thing that came to mind was 'But I'm a blogaaar!' but fortunately I then remembered that it's only part-time, so was like haaay baaabes, work in SNOG? Why not eh? (Rationally the 'why not' reasons are rather lengthy, for one I'm at photography college in Newcastle, live in Durham and am essentially all over the show like nobodies business. And have lots of work to do. And so on.) But let's not be rational, let's just SNOG!

 Life's better when you SNOG. Your first SNOG is just around the corner. Guilt free SNOGGING. SNOGGERS like it on top. I like little SNOGS. Less talk more SNOGGING. I've just had my first SNOG. (Plenty more where that came from. The tag lines and puns are quite frankly endless in that pink paradise of a place)

Went for dinnaah at Nandos last night. Peri-peri yum-yum. Gave the BOTTOMLESS FROZEN YOGURT a go. Not quite a SNOG, I'll admit (but really, I don't think much in this world could compare with a SNOG. Not even another frozen yogurt...or a kiss for that matter) but still rather yum-yum.

 Just try and ignore what it looks like, okay?

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