In the last few days two friends wrote to me on facebook about this -
It took me quite a while to build up the courage to click on the link for fear it would tell a sad sad story of a dead owl, but thank goodness he only left with a headache. Poor chap. I hope a kind owl chum of his winged him over a bit of paracetamol (or ibroprofen if he was drinking alcohol that night).
Another friend posted this site on my wall -
And then I received the most wonderful letter through the post from an anonymous sender. Inside was a book called 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. I just don't know how I managed to miss this book when I was young, but thank you kind stranger for sorting me out.
So a few weeks ago when I was packing up my room in Durham the hardest part was dismantling all my birds.
Some owl-tastic owls & cards.
The older you get the better you get (unless you are a banana) Good point eh?
Owls definitely get better AND wiser.

Some owls chilling with my alcohol. Wasters.

Every owl is indiviu-owl to me although I do tend to refer to them all as Marmaduke. Not entirely sure why.