When Glastonbury festival is mentioned there are two words that almost seem to go hand in hand - music & mud. The music was wonderful...& the mud? Not so much.
I do remember a time when mud was wonderful, making mud cakes in the park as a child to offer generously to my mum. She always seemed thrilled with the sticky mess to dirty her hands & from what I remember, she enjoyed it more than an ACTUAL chocolate cake & I always felt satisfied with this reaction. In retrospect I'd say she deserves an Oscar for her performance - & one for the pure joy she expressed when I made her toothpaste & shampoo cocktails.
Oh to be so young & naive.
After a kind introduction to mud I was put off it's wonderfulness on one of those bloody PGL trips. There was this ridiculous activity where we had to literally leap around in mud & climb through mud caked tyres. Random. I absolutely hated it & cried until they let me leave. I generally found that trip quite ghastly & even a bit creepy. I felt it was like 'Parents Get Lost' so that perverted activity leaders can have lots of little kids all to the themselves & force them through mud tyres. Wow, how funny to remember thinking in that way. I thought I was young & naive? That obviously got lost somewhere in the mud.
So Glastonbury 2011 & a whole lot of fab music & baf mud (the opposite to fab, I guess). It poured like a mentalist on the days leading up to the festival, creating a lovely mud world for all the music revellers to splish & splosh around it.
At least a bit of milk was having fun...

Mmm aren't you just dying to make your parents a cake out of that?
Walking around the festival in the mud was absolutely crazy - with every step you'd sink in & have to pull yourself out. People were getting stuck & falling over like they were totally wasted (which they probably were too).
All of a sudden, in the midst of this mayhem, the mud became wonderful to me again. I found a penny! All muddy & wonderful. In the photo of me grinning like a nutter about my penny I'm wearing my nicely constructed rain attire - a bin bag & a recycling bag. I felt most chic.
Someone passing me one day thought it appropriate to point out that the glory of my pink wellies was rather lost in the mud. He had a point.
So there's some mud for you. In terms of music I'd say my favourite acts were Little Dragon, Lyyke Li, Warpaint, The Low Anthem, Nico Jaar, Dylan LeBlanc & Cailin Rose. I'd recommend all those. CHECK 'EM out.
so much mud!